YA-NewsWatcher displays a “*” in this column for items that are queued for opening. A “•” means the group is currently being opened.
To show the information window for this movie, click this button. Not available because there is no information available for this movie.
To show the information window for this movie, click this button.
Filters are sorted in reverse order. To sort in normal order, click this button.
Filters are sorted in normal order. To sort in reverse order, click this button.
Select how the filters should be sorted. Select “normal” to show the order in which filters are applied and to permit reordering by dragging list items.
Select which filters should be shown based on the filter header. Select “all” to show all the filters in matching the other criteria and to permit reordering by dragging list items.
Select one of the filter group names from this popup menu to enter it in the text field on the left.
Select whether the filter group name text should be considered the complete filter group name or just part of the filter group name.
Enter the text to be used for showing filters based on their search text. Enter nothing to show all filters matching the other criteria and to permit reordering by dragging list items.
Enter the text to be used for showing filter groups.
To duplicate the selected filter group, click this button.
To delete the filter group for the selected filter, click this button.
To display the Group Filter Settings dialog to create a new filter group, click this button.
To display the Group Filter Settings dialog to modify the settings for the selected filter group, click this button.
To duplicate the selected filter, click this button.
To delete the selected filters, click this button.
To display the Edit Filter dialog to create a new filter, click this button.
To display the Edit Filter dialog to edit a filter when a single filter is selected, or the Modify Filter Settings when multiple filters are selected, click this button.
Filters list
This window contains the filters used to label posts. The controls at the top of the window can be used to display a selected subset of all the available filters. See the user guide under “Filtering” for more infformation.
When superseding a post, the message-ID of the original post being superseded is shown here. This field cannot be edited.
YA-NewsWatcher displays an downward pointing arrow for download items, and an upward pointing arrow for send items.
To cancel opening all subject windows, click this button. Not available because queued subject window opening is not enabled, or no windows are queued.
To cancel opening all subject windows, click this button.
YA-NewsWatcher displays a check mark in this column for items that have been successfully downloaded or sent. An “X” means the download or send failed. A “•” means the article is currently being downloaded or sent.
The numbers in this column tell you how the total number of lines in all parts in each article in the queued transfers list.
The numbers in this column tell you how many parts there are in each article.
This column lists the subjects of the items in the queued transfers list.
To pause queued downloading and sending, click this button. Not available because queued downloading and sending is not enabled.
To pause queued downloading and sending, click this button.
To resume queued downloading and sending, click this button.
To cancel the current operation, click this button. Not available because there is no current operation, or it cannot be canceled.
This is an “X-Face,” a small black and white picture that the sender included in his post. Click on the X-Face to copy it to the clipboard in both text and picture formats.
The line and column number of the current insertion point is displayed here.
To go forward one file, click this arrow. Not available because this window does not have an associated file or the current file is the last one in the folder.
To go forward one file, click this arrow.
To go backward one file, click this arrow. Not available because this window does not have an associated file, or the current file is the first one in the folder.
To go backward one file, click this arrow.
Type your organization here (e.g., “Flunk University”). This information is optional.
Position Readout
The position (line, column) of the insertion point in the current text field is shown here.
The message file will not be deleted after the message is successfully sent. To instead delete the file, click this button. Not available because the message has not been saved to a file.
The message file will be deleted after the message is successfully sent. To instead keep the file, click this button. Not available because the message has not been saved to a file.
The message file will not be deleted after the message is successfully sent. To instead delete the file, click this button.
The message file will be deleted after the message is successfully sent. To instead keep the file, click this button.
Click this button to set the movie playback options.
The movie file won't be deleted when the window is closed. To delete the file, click this button to check it.
The movie file will be deleted when the window is closed. To not delete the file, click this button to uncheck it.
To show the information window for this image, click this button. Not available because there is no information available for this image.
To show the information window for this image, click this button.
Indicate your preference for email copies of any posted followups to your message. Not available because you aren't making a usenet post or are using an anti-UCE email address.
Indicate your preference for email copies of any posted followups to your message. Choose “Poster” to request an email copy, “Nobody” if you don't want an email copy, or “Omit” to leave this to the poster's discretion.
To display and edit all the Newsgroup Settings, click this button.
Select the personality you wish to use for your message.
Select how you want the text to be applied (e.g., beginning with, ending with, regular expression, etc.)
Article threads are not being sorted by priority. Click here to prioritize by score when sorting.
Article threads are being sorted considering label. Click here to prioritize by score when sorting.
Article threads are not being sorted by priority. Click here to prioritize by labels when sorting.
Article threads are being sorted by considering scores. Click here to prioritize by labels when sorting.
Matching will be case sensitive. Click this box to make it insensitive to case.
Matching will not be case sensitive. Click this box to make it case sensitive.
Enter the text to be used for showing newsgroups.
Matching will be case sensitive. Click this box to make it insensitive to case.
Matching will not be case sensitive. Click this box to make it case sensitive.
Select how you want the text to be applied (e.g., word beginning with, phrase beginning with, regular expression, etc.)
Select the header (subject or author) to be used to show articles.
Enter the text (or regular expression) to be used for showing articles.
To show or edit the filter that labeled the selected article, click this button. Not available because more than one article is selected, or the selected article is not labeled.
To show or edit the filter that labeled the selected article, click this button.
As new images are decoded they will be displayed, with each image shown for at least 10 seconds. To pause the display, click this button to check it.
The automatic display of new decoded images is paused. To resume showing newly decoded images, click this button to uncheck it.
To edit the Newsgroup Settings for this newsgroup, click this button.
The image will be displayed at full size. To resize the image to fit the window, click this button to check it.
The image will be resized to fit the window. To display the image full size, click this button to uncheck it.
The image file won't be deleted when the window is closed. To delete the file, click this button to check it.
The image file will be deleted when the window is closed. To not delete the file, click this button to uncheck it.
To create a new filter based on the selected article, click this button. Not available because a single article is not selected.
To create a new filter based on the selected article, click this button.
To display the Filter Groups dialog, click this button. Option-click to toggle filtering on or off for this window.
To display the Filter Groups dialog, click this button. Option-click to toggle filtering on or off for this window.
To create a filter for replies to this message, click this button to check it. Not available because the message is not being posted.
A filter will be created for replies to this message. To not create a filter, click this button to uncheck it. Not available because the message is not being posted.
To create a filter for replies to this message, click this button to check it.
A filter will be created for replies to this message. To not create a filter, click this button to uncheck it.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items that are left or right of the window’s borders.
To edit various settings that determine how this message will be formatted and sent, click this button.
To edit various settings that determine how this message will be formatted and sent, click this button.
To encrypt or sign this message using MacPGP before sending, click this button to check it. Not available because not implemented.
This message will be encrypted or signed using MacPGP. To not encrypt the message, click this button to change the PGP options. Not available because not implemented.
Article threads are being sorted in normal order. To reverse the sorting order, click here.
Article threads are being sorted in reverse order. To sort in normal order, click here.
Article threads are not being sorted by date. Click here to sort by date.
Article threads are being sorted by date. Shift click here to sort by article number.
Article threads are not being sorted by line count. Click here to sort by line count.
Article threads are being sorted by line count. Shift click here to sort by article number.
Article threads are not being sorted by score. Click here to consider score when sorting.
Article threads are being sorted considering score. Click here to ignore scores when sorting.
Article threads are not being sorted by subject. Click here to sort by subject.
Article threads are being sorted by subject. Shift click here to sort by article number.
Article threads are not being sorted by author. Click here to sort by author.
Article threads are being sorted by author. Shift click here to sort by article number.
Article threads are not being sorted by label. Click here to consider labels when sorting.
Article threads are being sorted by considering labels. Click here to ignore labels when sorting.
The numbers in this column tell you the score, the sum of individual filter scores (weighting factors), in each article in the group.
This column shows the labels for the articles in the group. Use one of the commands under the Filters menu to change or delete the label.
The numbers in this column tell you how many lines are in each article in the group.
This column lists the posting time of the articles in the group.
This column lists the posting date of the articles in the group.
Select the method of encoding attached files for news messages here.
Select the method of encoding attached files for mail messages here.
To use an anonymous remailer to send this message, click this button to check it.
This message will be sent using an anonymous remailer. To send it normally, click this button to uncheck it.
If this thread were collapsed and contained any labeled articles, an asterisk would appear here.
If this thread contained any labeled articles, an asterisk would appear here.
The asterisk indicates that this thread contains labeled articles.
Files attached to this message are shown here. You can drag a file here to make it an attachment.
To attach a file to this message, click this button to check it.
The message has an attached file. To remove the attached file, click this button to uncheck it.
Type the body of the message here.
Type your signature here.
If you wish to add any special mail header lines for this message, type them here.
If you wish to add any special news header lines for this message, type them here.
If you wish to restrict the distribution of this message to fewer sites than the default distribution, type the distribution here. Ask your news server administrator to find out what distributions are available on your news server.
Type any special keywords for your message here.
If you wish followups to this message to be posted to a different set of groups than the ones listed in the Newsgroups field above, type the list of groups here. To request replies via email, type “poster” here.
If you wish email replies to this message to be sent to a special address (some address other than the one you configured as your email address in the preferences), type the special email address here.
Type the email addresses of additional blind carbon copy recipients here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns. No one will know you sent the message to these people.
Type the email addresses of additional carbon copy recipients here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns.
Type the subject of the message here.
Type the email addresses of the people to whom you wish to send the message here. Separate the addresses by commas or carriage returns.
Type the list of newsgroups to which you wish to post the message here. Separate the group names by commas or carriage returns.
Message window
Use this window to compose and send news postings and mail messages.
To send the message, click this button. Not available because none of the news, email, or self button are checked.
To send the message, click this button.
To get a carbon copy of the message sent to yourself via email, click this button to check it.
You will get a carbon copy of the message sent to yourself via email. To not get a carbon copy, click this button to uncheck it.
To send the message via email, click this button to check it.
The message will be sent via email. To not send the message via email, click this button to uncheck it.
To post the message as a news article, click this button to check it.
The message will be posted as a news article. To not post the message, click this button to uncheck it.
To go forward to the next section, click this arrow. Not available because you are at the last section.
To go forward to the next section, click this arrow.
To go backward to the previous section, click this arrow. Not available because you are at the first section.
To go backward to the previous section, click this arrow.
This multi-part MIME article has been split into sections. You view one section at a time. To display such articles all in one section, uncheck the “Create MIME Sections” in the “Miscellaneous Options” pane of the Preferences dialog.
This article is part of a thread.
Date header
This header line identifies the date and time the article was posted.
Reply-To header
If you reply to this article via email, your email reply will be mailed to the address given in this header.
Followup-To header
If you followup to this article, it will be posted to the newsgroups listed in this header.
Newsgroups header
This header line lists the newsgroups to which this article was posted.
Organization header
This header line identifies the organization of the person who posted this article.
From header
This header line identifies the person who posted this article.
This article has an attached file. To extract the file and copy it to your hard drive, click this icon.
To go forward one article, click this arrow. Not available because this is the last article in the group.
To go forward one article, click this arrow.
To go backward one article, click this arrow. Not available because this is the first article in the group.
To go backward one article, click this arrow.
Article window
This window shows one article in a group.
Padlock icon
The article window position is locked. Article windows open with the same position and size as this window. To unlock the article window position, click this icon.
Padlock icon
To lock the size and position of this window, click this icon. When you open article windows in the future, they will open in the same position as this window and with the same size as this window.
Help window
This window displays information which helps you use the YA-NewsWatcher application.
Padlock icon
The subject window position is locked. Subject windows open with the same position and size as this window. To unlock the subject window position, click this icon.
Padlock icon
To lock the size and position of this window, click this icon. When you open subject windows in the future, they will open in the same position as this window and with the same size as this window.
YA-NewsWatcher displays a check mark in this column for articles you have read. A “<” means that a multiple part posting is incomplete (some parts haven’t arrived yet). A “•” means that the last part of a multiple part posting has arrived.
The numbers in this column tell you how many articles are in each thread.
This article is part of an expanded thread.
This article is not part of a thread, and therefore has no thread expand/collapse triangle.
Thread control
This thread is expanded (all the articles in the thread are shown). To collapse the thread to show only the first article, click this triangle.
Thread control
This thread is collapsed (only the first article in the thread is shown). To expand the thread to show all the articles, click this triangle.
This column lists the subjects of the articles in the group.
This column lists the authors of the articles in the group.
The numbers in this column give an estimate of how many unread articles are in each group. If a group has no unread articles, no number is displayed.
User group list
This window contains the groups which you are most interested in reading most of the time. To learn how to build this list, select the “Subscribing and Unsubscribing” command in the Guide/Help menu.
New groups list
This window shows the new groups which have appeared on your news server since the last time YA-NewsWatcher checked for new groups.
Full group list
This window shows all of the groups which are available on your news server.
To cancel the current operation, click this button.
To go forward to the next help topic, click this arrow. Not available because this is the last help topic.
To go backward to the previous help topic, click this arrow. Not available because this is the first help topic.
To go forward to the next help topic, click this arrow.
To go backward to the previous help topic, click this arrow.
Scroll bar
Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items that are above or below the window’s borders.
Scroll bar
To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Size box
To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box.